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NMIMS-Mumbai Joins Hands With CII to Organise Annual Corporate Event, 'Paragana 2008'

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NMIMS-Mumbai Joins Hands With CII to Organise Annual Corporate Event, 'Paragana 2008'
Theme: "Metamorphosis - Building Companies to Building Nations"
On November 15-17, 2008


Some of the luminaries participating in Paragana '08 include Mr. Arvind Sharma, Chairman, Leo Burnett, Ms. Chanda Kochhar, CFO & MD, ICICI Bank, Mr. Jagdish Kapoor, Samsika Consultancy, Mr. Ramkumar, Senior General Manager, HR, ICICI Bank,
Mr. Amit Varma, CEO, Audience Map, Mr. Varun Bajpai, MD, Macquarie Bank, Mr. Vijai Mantri, CEO & MD, DLF Priamerica, Mr. R Chandrasekar, Head, Corporate Development and Mr. Niranjan Hiranandani, MD, Hiranandani Group.

Paragana 2008 shall features many informal events as well.

At a time when everyone is talking of big changes, of metamorphosis and of building nations, NMIMS invites all to become the torch-bearers. You might have the big ideas... and the institute shall provide you the platform. This is how we can lead change. NMIMS-Mumbai invites you to participate and show your mettle, ignite the spark. Bring out the best in you and lead on to building a successful India!

For more details about the event, check the following link: -


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