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Samarpan '08 at XLRI Saw Participation of More than 60 Teams from Country's Best Institutes

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Samarpan '08 at XLRI Saw Participation of More than 60 Teams from Country's Best Institutes

The Committee for Research, Strategy, Consulting and Entrepreneurship (CRESENT) at XLRI conducted its Annual Social B-Plan Contest, Samarpan 2008, on 23rd October 2008. Samarpan was conceptualized as a platform for student participants to amalgamate their analytical skills
along with their feelings of compassion and the urge to develop a sustainable plan that would reach out to the masses, especially the under-privileged and the destitute sections of society, to assure them that hope still remains the foremost virtue of human nature.

The event was a resounding success, seeing participation of more than 60 teams, from all the best institutes in the country, and a final shortlist of 6 teams, one each from XLRI-Jamshedpur, IIFT-Delhi, FMS-Delhi, S P Jain-Mumbai and 2 teams from XIM-Bhubaneswar.

The judges for the event were Prof. Debu Sen, Professor of Entrepreneurship at XLRI, and Mr. Ronald D' Costa, an Alumnus of XLRI (BM), and an eminent entrepreneur.

The team from XIM, Bhubaneshwar, which started the project 'Barpeta Eco-Hatchery & Fishery' and the team from XLRI, initiators of the project 'Swavalambhan' were adjudged the winner and the runner-up respectively. They took home cash prizes of Rs. 30,000/- and Rs. 20,000/- respectively.

The following is the description of the winning project, in the words of the team members: -

"We believe in 'Give man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach man to fish and he will eat every day'. Our organization provides and end-to-end solution to the villagers to utilize the natural resources at their disposal so that it ensures a sustainable alternative source of livelihood for them. We buy Brood Fish, induce hatching and sell fingerlings to the fish farmers. The story doesn't end here - we will also buy back the fish and market them not only in the local market, but in the nearby states as well, eventually, leading to a win-win situation for all stake-holders."

Samarpan remains dedicated in its mission to recognize and support outstanding Social B-Plans year-on-year. The success of Samarpan '08 stands testimony to this fact.


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Contributed by -
Gayathri Krishnan,
Executive Member,
External Linkages,
XLRI, Jamshedpur.

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