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Consulting Seminar 'Crucible 2008' Held at IIM Kozhikode

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Consulting Seminar 'Crucible 2008' Held at IIM Kozhikode


Talking of China, he opined that it was very different there, and though huge opportunities existed, it was important to note certain critical factors as language, culture and strict delivery timelines. India, according to him, was dominated by local talent and that it wasn't
feasible to take part in consulting opportunities here without having local operations. Singapore, a unique market with government owned entities is characterized by very fixed and descriptive approach and provides good opportunites in operational consulting rather than strategic scope. Answering a question posed by a student, Mr. Kuruvilla stated that though the current downturn would result in increase of cost-cutting assignments, it was necessary to take a holistic view and stressed the increased need of innovation.

Mr. Amit Kumar, Founder & Country Head of Grail Research, spoke about consulting opportunities in India and China. He stated that though the growth estimates of these two economies would likely need to be revised downwards in the wake of the current financial crisis, but as they are based on solid fundamentals, they would not be affected as other regions of the world. Speaking about consulting, he elaborated on how consulting was not just about being smart, and that a lot of scientific approach to analyzing data and uncovering knowledge was involved in the process.

Mr. Harish H. V., Partner-National Management of Grant Thornton, concluded the day's events with a short enlightening talk on his views on the current global scenario. He stated that the current crisis was partly panic driven, and that the falling prices of commodities should usher in the next upswing sooner rather than later. He was of the opinion that reform in India has happened more through stealth rather than concerted political will, and also that good governance was the need of the hour to tackle external threats like the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

Over the years, Crucible has managed to attract active participation from the student community. Crucible provides these budding managers a unique platform to showcase their skills and interact with the best in the industry.


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Media Cell,
IIM Kozhikode.

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