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Megabucks 2009 at IIT Kanpur to Organize Various Competitive Events

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Megabucks 2009 at IIT Kanpur to Organize Various Competitive Events
On January 8-11, 2009

IIT Kanpur is celebrating its International Business & Entrepreneurship Festival, 'Megabucks 2009', from 8th to 11th January 2009. According to Siddhartha Gupta, Head Media Relations, Megabucks '09, AdMad, the Advertisement-making Competition,
is a great platform for show-casing the creative zing through the different categories of competition - PrintAd, PhotoAd, WebAd, RadioAd and TVAd - which make sure the event has something for everyone.

The event's problem statements are industry-defined, and the partner companies have used successful entries in the past. For all those looking to make a career in marketing, AdMad '09 will offer internship opportunities with the biggest advertisement agencies in the country. Check the following link for details: -

Other Competitions at Megabucks '09

Markstrat, the Market Strategy Contest

Want to find out whether you can manage a business? Want to show that your firm can make profits under your leadership? Want to prove to the world that you can conquer threats and benefit from opportunity? If so, CXO is the event for you. This is where you and three other fellow students can band together as a team of managers. CXO will place your team in charge of a company with resources such as stocks and cash. And you will get to discover what it means to work as the top management.

CXO is one of the finest business simulation games in the world for Indian conditions. It is a collection of business problems, environmental issues, and organisational resources that imitates reality through a back-end software application. Over 7,000 participants have understood business management and entrepreneurship from variants of CXO since 2003.

CXO does not need its participants to be intellectuals, has no tests or examinations, no marks or grades, few books and teaching, and is full of conversions and interactions. CXO is one of the fastest and most exciting ways to learn about management functions, business drivers, financial reports, products and markets, teamwork, and making decisions.

A total of INR 60,000 in prize money is up for grabs. There will be one winner and one runner-up in each of the four groups. Check the following link for details: -


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