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TAPMI to Host Annual International B-school Management Fest, "Atharva"

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TAPMI to Host Annual International B-school Management Fest, "Atharva"
On January 9-11, 2009

"Atharva", T A Pai Management Institute's Annual International B-school Management Fest, is a platform for promising business leaders to interact. It is a congregation of the brightest managerial talent in India who come together for three days of intense competition and enriching experiences.
The spirit of Atharva is reflected through the tough but healthy competition generated among the students through the gamut of events. Atharva 2008-09 is scheduled to be held on 9th, 10th and 11th January 2009.

The fest has T A Pai Memorial Young Business Leader - the search for India's next Business Leader. Spread over three days, it is the most rigorous framework for testing the leadership skills of the contestants. The participants are tested for their managerial and business skills like decision-making abilities, team skills, ability to work under stress, perspectives on business-related issues, personal orientation, in addition to their knowledge and general awareness.

Quiz On The Beach is the business quiz set against the back-drop of the towering light-house in Kaup Beach, testing the contestants' business knowledge and spontaneity. The light ocean breeze, the cool soothing sands, a challenging quiz-master and a vibrant crowd buzzing with excitement, set the mood for a novel concept in quizzing. This year, QOTB is conducted by "MahaQuizzer" Arul Mani, Vice President, Karnataka Quiz Association.

Polemic: The Big Fight is the event where the who's who of the corporate world debate on a pre-decided topic and 'fight' to prove their point. The topic for discussion this year is "Regulation in Banking Sector".

Sankalp, the first ever national-level business plan formulation contest launched in the country, provides a platform to capture the creativity of budding entrepreneurs.

Management Games are a range of games designed specifically to test the students' expertise in various management domains. They are 'Global Investor' - The Quintessential Finance Game, 'Kiosk' - The Retailing War, 'Out Cry' - The TAPEX, 'Chakravyuh' - The Circle of Power & Premia, 'The Legend of the Lloyds', and last but not the least, Informals are a range of fun games that let you loosen your ties, let your hair down and stay entertained.

For further details about the event, visit: -

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Or call the Contact Points: -
Sameer Mardikar (Convenor): +91-9880643868
Ruchika Saraf (Co-Convenor): +91-9916038237


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