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Events Organized During IIM Lucknow's Annual International Business Conclave, "Manfest 2009"

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Events Organized During IIM Lucknow's Annual International Business Conclave, "Manfest 2009"
Theme: "Sustainable Development: Fuelling the Future"
On January 16-18, 2009

IIM Lucknow, after the tremendous success of Manfest 2008, has now launched Manfest 2009. IIM Lucknow Manfest 2009 is being held from January 16-18, 2009 at the IIM Lucknow Campus. This edition of Manfest is built around "Sustainable
Development: Fuelling the Future"
, a theme that finds much of its relevance in today’s world wherein there is a heightened awareness of bolstering current growth while reinforcing future prospects.

Manfest 2009 is divided into four verticals. CSR Initiative, Leader’s Express, Business Events at Manfest 2009 and Beyond Business.

CSR Initiative

Corporate Social Responsibility is rarely a topic of discussion in any B-school. But the corporate world at large is looking at initiatives which would ensure sustainable development and fuel the future growth. As a premier B-school which will churn out future leaders and managers, IIM Lucknow understands its responsibility of educating its students about an ideology that aims at empowering people and looking at initiatives that go beyond just profits.

The Manfest CSR vision is to create a forum and platform that promotes holistic CSR by involving responsible CSR practitioners from India and abroad to discuss contemporary issues in CSR. The CSR initiative includes: -

  • Affirmation: The Social Conclave - It aims to engage an elite panel of members in an engaging discussion on CSR and its importance in the current world. Dr. J. J. Irani, Director, Tata Sons will be one of the eminent speaker.

  • Prerna: The Social Awards - The awards are aimed at bringing some of the most innovative techniques being followed in the country to promote CSR at the grass-root levels. The awards aim to felicitate anyone who brought about a transformational social change, be it Profit Entities, Hybrid Social Ventures, Non-Profit Organizations, Socially-inclined Engineers or Individuals.

  • C Trader - Carbon Trading is the buzzword among the corporate today. Manfest, as part of its events schedule, will organize the event C Trader which simulates a scenario wherein teams choose different industries with different carbon credit ratings. Participant teams will endeavor to build profitable plans from among the multiple choices of projects offered so as to obtain a mix of carbon credits and monetary profits.

  • The Green Run: Annual IIM-L Manfest Marathon - This year’s focus of the marathon is two folds: raising funds for NGO in Education field and increasing awareness of CSR in Uttar Pradesh Colleges in general and Lucknow in particular. The participants of the marathon will be students, faculty and corporate.

    Leaders’ Express

    At Leaders’ Express, the focus shifts from the future Indian leaders in business and otherwise to the current leaders in the country. Through Talk & Interaction Sessions, Leaders’ Express provides the inspiration to spur change in the youth of today who will go on to become visionaries of the future. The Leader’s Express includes: -


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