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SPJIMR, Mumbai Celebrates Annual Businees Event, "OJAS '09", in Association with Microsoft

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SPJIMR, Mumbai Celebrates Annual Businees Event, "OJAS '09", in Association with Microsoft


The 'Downward Cycle a Challenge or an Opportunity' - This topic set the stage for the SPJIMR - TATA HR Summit hosted by SPJIMR on the final day of OJAS '09 - a forum that discussed the revision of current strategic and operational plans to combat the
turmoil at a time when the rules of the past no longer hold true. The Panel composed of industry practitioners who gave a lot of insight on the HR Functions in the industry during troubled times and was attended by 200 plus students from SPJIMR and other leading B schools.

The grand gala of events ended on a high note with an evening of music by the lakeside. The SPJIMR home grown band 2.4 struck a chord with all SP-ites with their composition 'The OJAS song' while the fusion band YUVA enthralled the audience with their powerful instrumental renditions. It was indeed a night that would go down in the annals of SPJIMR history, a night celebrated the long hours of planning involved n the conception, planning and execution of such a mega event, a night that spoke of the beginning, the beginning of a tradition called OJAS.

We thank our Fest Partner - The Tata Group, Associate Partner - Microsoft, Events Partners - Goldstar, SBI, GSPC, Raj Travels, and NABARD, and Other Partners - Power Horse, MBAUniverse, BIG 92.7 FM, India Tourism, McGraw Hill, Add Gel, Network 18, Furtados, Counter Culture Records, and Biztech2 for making OJAS '09 possible. We also thank all our eminent guests and enthusiastic participants for adding immense value to the festival and making it a grand success.


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Contributed by -
Sripradish Kapikad,
PGDM, Batch 2008-10,
S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai.

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