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Marketing Continuum 2009 at SJMSOM, IIT Bombay Concludes Ssuccessfully - Brings out Melange of Ideas

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Marketing Continuum 2009 at SJMSOM, IIT Bombay Concludes Successfully - Brings out Melange of Ideas


The next talk was delivered by Dr. (Mrs.) Pragnya Ram - Group Executive President, Corporate Communication, Aditya Birla Group. She took up the example of the Aditya Birla Group as a case for Image Identity and Reputation Management. She shared some enlightening insights on the criticality of communications and the universe of brand delivery.

Mr. Sudhanshu Vats, Vice President, Hindustan Unilever Ltd. spoke about Holistic Brand building. He focused his talk on the fact that brands have to stand for value, benefit society and provide meaning to the consumer. He stressed on the importance of doing well by doing good.

Darshana Bhatt, Marketing Head, Loop Telecom spoke about new age marketing mantras and the significance of Customer Relationship Management. She took up interesting examples from different sectors to highlight changing consumer preferences and the role of social media marketing in the making and managing of brands.

Mr. K. V. Sridhar, National Creative Director, Leo Burnett India held a very interactive session for the students on New age media and Advertising wherein he highlighted the changing rules of advertising and the new media available to reach out to the entire spectrum of consumers. His talk was made more interesting by videos and movie clips on the conjunction of the internet with advertising.

An interesting talk on Social Media Analytics was conducted by Mr. Niteen Bhagwat, Executive Director and CEO, Cogito Consulting. He spoke about how blogs and Consumer Generated Media are becoming a genuine source of information. He spoke about the relevance of new age advertising channels and the methods employed by brands to exploit these new avenues.

On the whole, the continuum brought out a melange of ideas, with luminaries from the corporate arena getting bowled over by the upcoming marketing wizards.


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Contributed by -
Gunjan Gulati,
Member, Public Relations Team,
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay.

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