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15th World Forum of International Association of Jesuit Business Schools Held at XLRI Jamshedpur

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15th World Forum of International Association of Jesuit Business Schools Held at XLRI Jamshedpur



After a three-day intensive discussion on the theme of “Taking the lead towards sustainable development”, the IAJBS 15th World Forum, the following deliberations were agreed upon :

  • IAJBS become signatory of UN Global Compact’s Principles for Responsible Management Education, and develop systems, processes and mechanisms for adherence to those. (The host school, XLRI, is the first Indian B-School to commit and endorse the Principles at the UN Global Compact Leaders summit in July 2007. The Six Principles are : Purpose, Values, Method, Research, Partnership and Dialog.) IAJBS recommends all member institutions sign these principles.

  • IAJBS recommends that sustainability be included in the institutions’ strategic plan. There was also a suggestion that Global Sustainability should form the major theme of the IAJBS Forum in the years to come. It was suggested that a committee be formed to look into the formation of sustainable development in the curriculum, and offer it as a course in Jesuit B-Schools.

  • Make socio-environmental concerns and ethical fibre a non-negotiable part of admissions filter. If the primary reason why a student is joining an MBA course is to land up with a lucrative job, mere two years of teaching can not change that mindset.

  • Review program syllabi and course structure to align them to sustainability goals. For instance, a large number of courses in the b-school syllabi focus on enhancing and managing “financial wealth”. They need to be balanced with equal number of courses (if not more) which focus on enhancing "social capital" and "environmental capital".

  • One of the reasons, perhaps, why students fail to appreciate the socio-environmental issues as impacting businesses, is because there are very few academic social science inputs in the course-work. While “Economics” (which provides a grounding in enhancing financial wealth creation) is taught, there is no “social science” dept., which provides a grounding in subjects like Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, etc. (this is more important in India, where increasingly most students come with a science / engineering degrees).

  • What students see around them, in terms of how the institute is managed, can be a powerful learning message. Therefore, if the institutes themselves use green technology (solar power, rainwater harvesting, etc.) and recycle paper, books, etc., that itself will be teaching sustainability by example.

  • Similarly, the institutes can themselves become example of “inclusive development” by promoting positive discrimination in their internal practices.

  • Business-schools can run allied community and environment-based programs, and make engagement by students a part of learning (perhaps evaluation, too) for the students.

  • Introduce compulsory internship with a social/development sector organization part of the program structure. This would expose them to other options for careers which are more inclusive in approach and focus.

  • IAJBS can act as a platform for sharing best practices, cases, etc., on teaching approaches for sustainability.

  • The 15th World Forum of IAJBS has decided to form a sustainability development committee which would ensure that Jesuit B-schools globally adhere to the concepts discussed at the forum. Dr. Gregory Ulferts, Executive Director, IAJBS announced the decision. James Koch from Santa Clara University, USA, would be the coordinator of the committee and would be dealing with IAJBS members and affiliated B-schools. The IAJBS would also be forming a task force for sustainability development which would invite comments from members and finalize a draft for sustainability development in the member B-schools and present it before the IAJBS board by October this year, Ulferts reaffirmed. The strategy task force would receive inputs from the member schools on sustainability projects from across the globe.

    Fr. E. Abraham, S. J. Director XLRI, also proposed for setting up membership committee to increase the numbers of regional members globally. He also proposed that every member school set up a Chair Professorship in Sustainable Development, so that this movement can be carried forward by every B-school.


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