B - School News |
Goa Institute of Management Holds Talk by Mr. R. Gopalakrishnan According to him, the human brain structure consists of three layers*: -
Most of the mistakes made by the top managers are elementary in nature. At such crucial moments, one should rely on their instinctive Brain (pea and lemon) rather than on their top quality brain (cabbage). He also talked about BRIM (Brain Remote Instinctive Memory). It consist of two parts: -
He stresses the need to rely on the "remote memory" as that regulates one's instincts and things stored here are indestructible. Every individual in an organization has a different perspective and level of thinking and a manager would be successful only if he is able to connect with each individual at the right time. He should be able to motivate people and get the best out of them by engaging their emotions. This needs to be done at times when they are least motivated. The first ten years is crucial in shaping the future of a successful manager, since it is in these ten years that one would be exposed to grass-root experiences and gain by the challenges he comes across. Concluded. * Cabbage, the largest part of the brain is supposedly in the head. Lemon is in the centre and the pea is at the bottom near the neck. Click here to post your views/ comments/ experience on this... Contributed by - |