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IIM, Shillong Celebrates its First Convocation Ceremony

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IIM, Shillong Celebrates its First Convocation Ceremony


He also went on to tell the students "But remember, success is a journey, not a destination. You have lit a lamp here and as you take the lamp out into the world, keep in mind that the purpose of the lamp is not just to illuminate itself but to spread lights all around. The best lamp is the one which lights other lamps"

Delivering his Academic Report, Prof. Ashoke K. Dutta, the Founder Director of the Institute said, "We think and dream big! In the course of the next few years we shall certainly establish ourselves as Institute of international repute."

The Indian institute of management Shillong, the 7th and the first IIM in the Northeast took a revolutionary step to set up a centre for the development of the region where it is located. Alleviation of poverty of the suffering millions with an inclusive notion of growth and development is an area of key concerns for us and our emphasis on Values and Ethics is our USP. There is a saying, though somewhat clichéd, which aptly sums up the philosophy of our institution. It says: "Do not go where the path leads. Rather, go where there is no path and leave a trail."

He also said that "We have tried to develop a sense of value, where understanding and tolerance are important, and not allow narrow sectarianism to fuel conflicts. We have to live up to the challenge that we are facing today, the effacing of confidence and strength of character, mental and moral decay and erosion of traditional discipline."

The diplomas were handed over to 63 succressful graduates by Prof. Ashoke K. Dutta. Four different medals were awarded to the following students by the Hon'ble Union Finance Minister:

  1. Shri Rathindranath Datta - Gold Medal For Standing First Is Awarded To Shri Aditya Prakash Gore For Securing The Highest CGPA Among All The Students Of The Batch Receiving The Diploma.
  2. The Institute's Medal For Standing Second, Is Awarded To Shri Mayank Arora For Securing The Second Highest CGPA Among All The Students Of The Batch Receiving The Diploma.
  3. Shri Prof. Ashoke K. Dutta Gold Medal Awarded To Shri Ashutosh C Dikshit For The Best All-Round Performance By A Student In Terms Of General Proficiency Including Character, Conduct, Excellence In Academic Performance, Extra-Curricular Activities And Social Service.
  4. The Institute's Medal For Positive Contribution To Campus Life Is Awarded To Shri P A Ramnarayanan For The Most Significant Positive Contribution By A Student To Campus Life.

"The First Day Cover Cancellation was done by Shri Pranab Mukherjee in the presence of Chief Post Master General, North East Region, and Chief General Manager, PLI."

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Contributed By-
Harsha Jhunjhunwala & Sidharth Shankar Prasad,
IIM, Shillong.

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