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IMT, Ghaziabad Emerges as the National Champion of Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2010

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IMT, Ghaziabad Emerges as the National Champion of Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2010


The winning teams from Singapore and UK are from premium institutions namely the National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University, University of Oxford and University of Strathclyde.

The TATA CRUCIBLE INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION 2010 will win an exciting international holiday package and a laptop.

Felicitating the national winners Mr. Chaukar stated, "It was extremely rewarding and exhilarating experiences to see these bright youngsters of our country display such high levels of knowledge and confidence. The more intriguing part was their speed of thought and their ability to apply their mind while fielding some of the toughest questions put forth by the ace quizmaster."

The 20 regional winners of Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2010 included many prestigious institutions like IIM-Calcutta, IIM-Indore, IIT Roorkee, IIM Lucknow, IIT Guwahati, ISB, College of Engineering (Guindy), ICAI Bangalore, Goa Medical College etc. The regional rounds were held across 20 cities of India starting from Nagpur in mid-February 2010 and ending at Manipal in March 2010. Teams participated from across diverse streams including management, engineering, law, chartered accountancy and even medicine.

This year, additional prizes have been given courtesy Tata Motors, Tata Indicom, Tata Swach, Tata Tea, Ginger, Croma, Gateway Hotels, Titan and Ascot. In addition to the ground quiz, there is also an exciting bi-weekly Tata Crucible Online Contest wherein participants can win fabulous prizes each week.


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