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IIM, Lucknow Students Pledge for Corruption Free India on 4th Death Anniversary of Manjunath Shanmugam

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IIM, Lucknow Students Pledge for Corruption Free India on 4th Death Anniversary of Manjunath Shanmugam


The event opened with key note speeches from each of the leaders. Dr. Devi Singh remembered Manjunath and emphasized that he will remain dear to us always. He shared his thoughts on the role of education in making India a corruption free nation.

He focused on the some key issues that are crippling India and informed that bribery has remained an inherent part of Indian Society and illustrated the fact by giving an example of a corrupt constable being a more sought after groom than an honest school teacher. He said “Instead of blaming the system and the police, the youth of India has to stop crime”. He laid emphasis on the requirement of a support system to combat corruption.

Sri. Vikram Singh delivered a flawless and a motivational keynote address. He asked the youth to follow a zero tolerance policy towards corruption and quoted the bible by saying “The wages of sin is death”. He was unhappy with the sorry state of affairs in the country and quoted “If it is possible to remove capitalism from America, then it is definitely possible to remove corruption from India”. His message to the youth was to become an “inner winner” rather than running after money all your life.

Dr. Jitendra Chaturvedi, the well known social activist and the winner of Manjunath trust award in 2009 gave some valuable insights from his experiences in working with the villagers and empowering them with the usage of RTI act. His speech inspired one and all to fight against bribery and eradicate corruption from India. He talked about the Forest Management Act of 1865, and how it was used against the illiterate workers even after independence. He narrated the success stories about his experiences and how the effective use of “Mass RTI” as a weapon has empowered villagers to lead a better life.

Students from other colleges of Lucknow also participated in the event. An essay competition for students was also held on the same topic. The student community showed a lot of enthusiasm towards fighting the prevalent widespread corruption. "We have thought and talked much about deep-rooted corruption and government insensitiveness and today, through this debate, we have realized that it is our duty to do our share in reality", one of the students of IIM Lucknow said. 


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Contributed by -
Siddharth Jindal,
Media Relations Committee,
Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow

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