Career Resource Center : The final guide

Kickstarting Your College and MBA Recruiting Program

- by Sherrie Gong Taguchi *


Part - VII

  • Employing the marketing 5Ps

  • Building multiple, broad university relationships

  • Integrating into your targeted schools' educational process

  • Communicating strategically and often in 360-degree fashion

  • Trying for brilliant execution

  • Offering great summer internships

Worst mistakes are: -

  • Recruiting college graduates and MBAs like your other recruits; not differentiating your plans

  • Decentralizing too much among HR, recruiting teams, and the hiring managers

  • Not playing by the schools' rules

  • Expecting too much in the beginning as you are building your program

  • Turning the recruiting faucet on and off

  • Failing to market the program internally

  • Exhibiting complacency or arrogance

10. Set up new hires for success. After you have spent all the time and money to recruit, plan how you can start your new hires off on the right foot when they join your company. Strategic orientations with the energetic participation of HR and management folks can make a substantial difference to the future success or failure of new hires.

I hope you find these top-ten ideas useful when incorporating them into your recruiting strategy. It doesn't take a lot of money to achieve some great results or make a good program much better. Imagination, resourcefulness, partnerships, perseverance, and good ol' leveraging of what you already know or have can go a long way. All the best.


* Sherrie Gong Taguchi was the VP of Univ. for Recruiting at Bank of America and director of Corp. HR responsible for staffing, exec. dev., and reorganizations at Dole Packaged Foods and Mervyn's Deptt Stores. She has also served as the asstt dean at the Stanford Graduate School of Business where she headed the Career Mgmt Center and Mgmt Communication Program. Her two popular books - Hiring the Best and Brightest & The Ultimate Guide to Getting the Career You Want and What to Do Once You Have - are helping thousands of job seekers and career changers worldwide - whether just out of school or at the executive level.