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Placement 2006 | Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai

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Placement 2006

 Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 

Significant Increase in Salary Figures at Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai

This year, the placements at Great Lakes Institute of Management at Chennai were in an upbeat mode. We have recorded a good 20% increase in the average salary over our maiden year. The average domestic salary offered was Rs. 7.2 lakhs p.a. and the average domestic and international salary on offer was at Rs. 7.4 lakhs p.a.
This year, the graduating class of 2006 also saw an increase in the number of companies participating in placements over the previous year. The class strength was at 130 and 142 offers have so far been made to the students - and we are still counting!

The students were also offered placements in locations abroad, such as Amsterdam, Warsaw, Dubai, with the highest foreign currency offer made by Siemens Global at USD 75000.

The highest domestic offer made was by S&S Technologies at Rs. 24 lakhs p.a.

Cognizant was the top-recruiter with 18 offers being made and Infosys not far behind with 14 offers.

Companies That Offered Foreign Placements

    Siemens Global     Amsterdam
    S&S Technologies     Warsaw
    Tricolor Consulting     Dubai

Companies With Highest CTCs (Domestic / International)

1     Siemens Global USD 75000 p.a.    
2     S&S Technologies INR 24 Lakhs p.a.    
3     Satyam Computers INR 20 Lakhs p.a.    
4     Tricolor Consulting INR 20.8 Lakhs p.a.    
5     Cognizant INR 18 Lakhs p.a.    
6     HP INR 17 Lakhs p.a.    
7     Genpact INR 14 Lakhs p.a.    
8     Deutsche Bank INR 11 Lakhs p.a.    
9     Johnson Tiles INR 10.5 Lakhs p.a.    
10     ITC Infotech INR 9.5 Lakhs p.a.    
      Average Domestic CTC INR 7.2 Lakhs p.a.    
      Average CTC
    (Domestic + International)
INR 7.4 Lakhs p.a.    


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