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Placement 2007 | MDI, Gurgaon

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Placement 2007

 MDI, Gurgaon 

Niche Domestic Offers, Preferred Profiles & High Compensation Mark Placements at MDI


The pay packages received are on a scale that has the students euphoric. The highest domestic salary for PGPM this year is a whopping Rs. 16 lakhs, as compared to Rs. 12.85 lakhs last year, and the highest international pay check is 80,000 Australian Dollars.
The lowest this year is Rs. 7.68 lakh, a 70.66% jump from last year, and the average has increased by 26% over last year's to Rs. 11.9 lakhs. The median salary for PGPM is Rs. 11.2 lakhs. For PGPM, the highest domestic salary is Rs. 12.5 lakhs and the highest international pay check was 50,000 Singapore Dollars. The lowest this year is Rs. 8.32 lakhs, an 84.88% increase over the last year. An average salary Rs. 11.5 lakhs and a median of Rs. 11.2 lakhs is recorded this year.

The placements this year are a fitting conclusion to the fantastic summer internship placements for the first-year students, during which the last candidate was placed at the highest salary of Rs. 2 lakhs for 2 months, in a preferred profile. Reputed companies like HSBC, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Britannia, Pepsi, L'Oreal and E&Y were on campus, recruiting MBA students to work with them as interns for two months.

To quote, Dr. Sujit K. Basu, Director, MDI, "We are very happy with the way placements went this year. We hope to rise to greater heights in the future as well. I am grateful to our friends in the industry who value our friendship, and I look forward to further cooperation from the. From my side, I can assure them of our continuous strive for higher quality in all respects of management studies. We wish to remain relevant to them in the future as well."

Further, Prof. Subir Verma, Chairman, Corporate Relations and Placements, feels vindicated, "For quite some time now, the signs were there, that this is probably a dream year to graduate. Placements 2007 have proved me right. But then this is not just about India shining, it is as much about the affirmation and celebration of brand MDI by the corporate world."

With MDI's graduates setting off on the path towards high-flying careers, the institute fulfills its promise of nurturing young managers inculcated with sharp problem-solving abilities, excellent attitude, and capability to manage change.


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