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Placement 2007 | Sydenham Institute of Management, Mumbai

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Placement 2007

 Sydenham Institute of Management, Mumbai 

Staggering Rise in Average Salary at Sydenham Institute Highlights Placements This Year

It was celebration time for the graduating students of Sydenham Institute of Management, Mumbai, as they lapped up top-notch corporate jobs during the campus placements. With the temperatures dipping all across due to the winter chill, the salaries at the institute showed quite an opposite trend with the average salary shooting up to a staggering Rs. 7.12 Lakhs per annum, an increase of 30.9% as compared to the previous year.

The nation is witnessing an average GDP growth rate in the range of 7-8% and it was evident in terms of the fatter pay cheques and challenging profiles that the companies offered to the students. The companies made a beeline for the budding managers, which reflected on the wide appeal the institute has throughout the industry.

With 80% of its students being placed on Day Zero itself (an achievement to applaud for), it was not surprising that the placements were wrapped up on Day One of the placement week. The lowest salary was Rs. 4.5 Lakhs per annum. The median salary stood at Rs. 6.96 Lakhs per annum. Most of the offers were made in the range of Rs. 6.6 Lakhs per annum to Rs. 7.7 Lakhs per annum.

Sydenham also benefited from the dynamic placement committee that spear-headed the process this year, and did a marvelous job in getting the best of the brands on campus.

In the IT / ITES sector, who's who of the industry like IBM Consulting, Infosys, Accenture Consulting, HP, Patni Computers, Progeon, Oracle, Mastek, Citigroup Global Services, Tata Consultancy Services, descended on the campus to make offers. Accenture also made a comment on the profile offered as it mentioned that Sydenham was graded at par with some of the Ivy Leagues in Asia like AIM, Manila, and therefore, the offer was made without any differentiation in package as well as responsibility, which was one of the biggest gains this year for the institute, as it showed its brand getting the cutting-edge among the competing B-schools.

The Banking and Financial sector was represented by big brands like HSBC, ICICI Bank, United Bank of Switzerland, Citibank, Citicorp Finance India Limited, Centurion Bank of Punjab, JP Morgan Chase, Adventity, Kotak Group, HDFC, ICICI Prudential, Darashaw, Crisil, amongst many others. The companies offered profiles ranging from sales to investment banking and lured the students with hefty packages.

In the Manufacturing, Telecom and Automobile sector, some of the brands that visited and recruited from the campus included TATA Motors, Godrej and Boyce, SKF Bearings, Shrenuj Diamonds, Clariant, VSNL, Hutch, REL, which offered dynamic profiles to its recruits.

Consultancy and Research firms included the likes of IMRB, AF Fergusson, Research International, Avalon, which also had good profiles for the students.


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