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MBA Placement 2008 | Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA)

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Placement 2008

 Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA) 

Placements at MICA Exemplify Yet Again its Leadership in Communications Management Education

The fact that MICA is the leader in the field of Communications Management education has been perfectly exemplified by the placements, which have been rising steadily year by year. This year, the 13th batch of students of the Post-Graduate Programme in
Communications Management (PGPCM) has raised the bar once again - proving that the disciplines that MICA offers are being taken seriously in the industry.

This year, the average CTC offered to the 94 students was Rs. 8.02 Lakhs per annum. The highest salary has been Rs. 13.70 Lakhs per annum for an Area Sales Manager role.

This batch has continued the trend of 100% placements, which has been a proud achievement of this course ever since its inception in 1994. Also, lateral management positions were offered to 13 students. Another stupendous achievement was the fact that 36 PPOs (pre-placement offers) or PPIs (pre-placement interviews) were offered to the students, thanks to their excellent work over their summer internship. The ratio (close to 40%) is comparable to that of many general business management schools. 22 students have finally accepted their PPOs or converted their PPIs.

The average salary continued its uptrend - from 6.5 in 2006, to 7.25 in 2007, to 8.02 in 2008. This northward trend clearly shows how industry has reacted to the efficacy of the MICAn and the value that they can add to their companies. For example, advertising agencies, which traditionally pay low, have hiked up their entry level salaries to MICAns for account planning profiles.

The number of companies visiting campus too, has diversified. Apart from the traditional advertising agencies, marketing research firms and media houses for whom MICA has always been a favourite hunting ground, new companies representing new sectors have recruited this time. Some of the new recruiters include Absolut Data, Disney Entertainment, JL Morison, Raymonds, Zoom TV and Times Of India.

The new sectors that have recruited this year include consultancy (eClerx), finance (HDFC Bank, Reliance Capital, Standard Chatered), technology (HCL), telecom (Vodafone, Virgin Mobile), hospitality (Taj Hotels).

As far as the profiles offered are concerned, 47% of the batch have accepted Brand Management profiles, 12% have taken Account Planning roles, while Media and Marketing Research / Data Analytics have 17% takers each.


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