ISB Hyderabad
Strategies for Fast Growing Enterprises
A focus on medium size companies
Programme Directors: K. Ramachandran & Sankaran Venkataraman
December 12-16, 2004
at ISB Campus, Hyderabad
Fee: INR 1,00,000 or US $ Equivalent
Apply online at www.isb.edu/execed
You will need to complete and return the application form to the Manager, Marketing Services. Please include the cheque/ draft toward the programme fee along with your application.
You can download an application form in PDF format or request to get a brochure.
For more information, contact:
Marketing Services,
Centre for Executive Education, Indian School of Businss,
ISB campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500 019.
Email: execed@isb.edu
Call: +91 40 2300 7041/42
Check: http://www.isb.edu/execed
Refer: CoolAvenues.com MDP Alert