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FMS Delhi to Hold International Entreprenurship Challenege

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FMS Delhi to Hold International Entreprenurship Challenege
On September 02, 2006

Entrepreneurship Cell, FMS Delhi, is organising a Seminar on Entrepreneurship on September 2, 2006 with the underlying theme as "How To Start a New Venture" and a Panel Discussion on "Is There a Funding Gap or a Leadership Gap ailing the start-ups in India". The seminar-cum-panel discussion has been formulated in association with The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) Delhi.

Seminar on Entrepreneurship
"How To Start A New Venture"

The aim of the seminar is to educate students about the various aspects of starting up a new venture and to introduce them to the resources in the entrepreneurial arena with the following sessions: -

Session I: [10:15 AM - 11:00 AM]
"Idea Generation: Creating Value and Enabling Growth"
Speaker: Mr. Dan Sandhu, CEO, Vertex (India)

A start-up session on the creation of business value through a strong understanding of the success drivers for India Inc and challenges that need to be overcome. This shall cover the Economic and Social Framework, the investment conclusions that are drawn in the current landscape, support requirements that Indian businesses need from investors, mentoring role of angel investors, value of being on the ground and not a "remote" investor, the reality of operational and infrastructure challenges, etc.

Session II: [11:00 AM - 11:45 AM]
"Financials and Funding Strategy"
Speaker: Mr. Pankaj Sehgal, Director, Sun Group (India)

There are two important things an entrepreneur needs to look at when he decides to start up. One is the evaluation of the financial feasibility of the idea and the other is assessing the capital requirement and then raising funds for the venture. The financial feasibility analysis covers aspects like company valuation, revenue models, etc., which are paramount to the success of the plan. Subsequently, the entrepreneur has to choose among various sources of capital-private funds and venture capital funds and procedures involved in raising funds.

Session III: [11:45 AM - 1:00 PM]
"Legal Procedures"
Speaker: Mr. Rajkumar Dubey, Dubey & Partners (Advocates)

Legal implications are crucial to every industry and business. Judicial set-up in the concerned country with respect to start-ups and the various proceedings involved with the same, form an indispensable aspect of starting-up. Budding Entrepreneurs must also be aware about the importance and implications of the intellectual property rights (IPR) and patents in India. Furthermore, licensing and permit requirements, and adherence to taxation laws is also essential.


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