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FMS Delhi to Hold International Entreprenurship Challenege

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FMS Delhi to Hold International Entreprenurship Challenege
On September 02, 2006


Session I Extended: [2:00 PM - 2:45 PM]
"Idea Generation"
Speaker: Mr. Sanjeev Bikhchandani, CEO,

A sound idea leads to a sound business plan. A good idea forms the foundation on which the business model can be set. Some may appreciate the creativity and innovativeness, but the ruthless market does not respect ideas without their implementation. Hence, every workable idea needs a lot of nurturing, which includes assessment of the appropriate opportunity at the right time. Other things, which are crucial, are the details with respect to the business plan development and the importance of networking in the success of the business model.

Panel Discussion: [2:45 PM - 3:45 PM]
"Is There A Funding Gap Or A Leadership Gap Ailing The Start-ups In India?"

The Silicon Valley is the hub of the entrepreneurial activity, and a recent study by a team of professors from San Jose University shows that about 7.1 % of the total entrepreneurs there are of Indian origin. This fact is encouraging on one hand and disturbing on the other. It encourages us all to see fellow Indians doing well in an alien land. But it is quite disturbing to see that a similar kind of activity is not happening in India. This raises the big question on which we look forward to have a discussion, to understand whether it is the lack of right attitude or the lack of resources and support that hinders Indians from doing well in India as entrepreneurs.

For Whom

Open to select Post-Graduate and Under-Graduate Colleges.
Participation strictly on basis of prior registration and invitation.

Event Details

Time: 9:45 AM onwards.
Date: Saturday, 2nd September 2006.
Venue: Conference Centre, Delhi University, Opposite Faculty of Law, North Campus.

Contact Details

Jayant Sharma,
President, Entrepreneurship Cell,
FMS Delhi.
Phone: 9850856006, 9891686893


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+ International Entreprenurship Challenege 2006 Flagged-off at FMS, Delhi with STARTUP@FMS

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