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NITIE, Mumbai Holds Workshop on "How to Write an Effective B-Plan"

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NITIE, Mumbai Holds Workshop on "How to Write an Effective B-Plan"
Post-event Press-release

The PGDIE Batch of NITIE successfully organized a workshop, D'Appendre on 23rd August 2006. D'apprendre is a year round activity of Empresario. It's an event which brings the best from the entrepreneur world. D'apprendre provides a discussion forum for the audience to interact with the best in the industry.
It provides an opportunity to witness their performance and to learn from them. The attempt is to attune the students to become more responsive and focused on their dream of being an entrepreneur. The discussion is aimed at providing a platform for student-corporate interaction, thus, elucidating the concept of writing a meaningful B-Plan.

The topic of workshop was 'Writing an effective Business Plan'. With the present boom in the economy, the ambience for entrepreneurship has been quite encouraging in India. A lot of professionals are coming back to India and starting their own venture.

The workshop was graced by the presence of the following experts: -

  • Mr. Manas Singh, Director, TiE

  • Mr. Sameer Wagle, Associate Director, IL&FS

    The event was formally inaugurated by Associate Dean (Placement), Prof. Ashok K. Pundir. In his warm welcome speech, he commended the efforts of the students of PGDIE for this endeavor. He also appreciated the Empresario Team for organizing the workshop. He acknowledged the fact that such knowledge sharing sessions will help the students to understand the subtleties of Entrepreneurship. Further, he advised the students to gain the maximum from the experience of the experts.

    The first to address was Director of TiE, Mr. Manas Singh, who divulged the fact that there are prolific opportunities for Entrepreneurship in India. He emphasized that it is essential to dream. He opined that one should never ever discuss one's idea with men, because of the fact that men have a fundamental genetic flaw of killer genes. They tend to kill every new idea in its budding stage. He tried to elucidate the art of starting a new business by an audio-visual (AV) presentation featuring Guy Kawasaki.

    The AV commenced with the 'Art of the Start', which deals with the conceptualization of a business idea to improve the quality of life. The virtually present Guy Kawasaki revealed the fact that the basic aim of any organization should be to make meaning, and not to make money. Delving upon the importance of a mission statement, he ridiculed mission statements that are too long, not unique and not memorable. For recruitment of people, his view was to hire people infected with same passion and select those who are better than you.


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    Contributed by -
    Rishabh Srivastava & Ravi Prakash,
    Members, IE Times,
    NITIE, Mumbai.

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