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NITIE, Mumbai Holds Workshop on "How to Write an Effective B-Plan"

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NITIE, Mumbai Holds Workshop on "How to Write an Effective B-Plan"
Post-event Press-release


Mr. Sameer Wagle, Associate Director, IL & FS was the next expert to address the audience. His witty remarks, eloquent style of interaction with students infused a new zeal in the event and gave some new direction to the topic, which was so far unexplored. He took the audience through the steps of writing an effective B-Plan.
According to him, established trends of writing a business plan require that it should be written by entrepreneur and his team with the proper explanation of the product which they intend to sell. Contents of the business plan should cover every relevant aspect, right from Background to Exit. While taking on the issue of the conflict between entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists (VC), he elaborated that after all, VCs are human beings and entrepreneur should learn how to use VCs to their advantage. The relationship with the VC can be managed by keeping promises, meeting the projections, sharing problems and taking inputs of their conventions and beliefs. The importance of IPO in transformation of dreams into realization was highlighted so starkly that it kept every budding entrepreneur spellbound.

After the presentations, there was a question and answer round where the panel members entertained various queries raised by the students. The queries pertaining to uncertainties and risks involved in starting a new business, convincing venture capitalists to fund the B-Plan, using the opportunities of entrepreneurship in India as a remedy for brain-drain, etc., were put forth. The panelists were amazed by the enthusiasm shown by the students and answered all the queries with equal interest.

The summit came to an end with the encouraging remarks by the guests for organizing the workshop, the level of participation of students and also the beauty of NITIE campus. The panelists were felicitated by Prof. Ashok K. Pundir and the vote of thanks brought the summit to a close.

In all, the D'apprendre 2006 was a great learning experience for all the students.


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Contributed by -
Rishabh Srivastava & Ravi Prakash,
Members, IE Times,
NITIE, Mumbai.

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