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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal

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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal
Post-event Press-release

September 29, 2006: Tattva 2006

How often do you see a Harvard Doctorate delivering a lecture on Brand Valuation? Well, even if you would have, how often do you see him share the same stage with a Marketing Manager, who revolutionized the brand Fast Track?

Welcome to Tattva 2006.

Tattva literally means substance. In the words of the person who introduced this concept at TAPMI, Tattva symbolizes 'who we are'. At Tattva, an institution like TAPMI looks at the achievements made by the students who have entered the corporate world and who think that they have been able to make a mark.

Tattva 2006 was the confluence of 6 old students of college, who came from backgrounds as varied as Marketing to Rewards Programme Management. The participants also got an opportunity to share the stage with one of the 76 Harvard doctorates alive in India right now!

Mr. M. P. Sunder, Batch of 2001, was recently awarded his Doctorate from Harvard Business School. Appropriately put now, Dr. Sunder received this accolade for his exemplary work in the field of "Brand Valuation". This has been one of the most successful pieces of work at Harvard in the recent past as it has been picked up by the industry instantaneously. Organisations like Coca Cola use this model, which has also been approved by consultants, closer home, like KPMG and McKinsey. The model helps organisations, of any sort, value their brand in the real sense and judge the growth of the product in quantitative terms.

It is however, important to mention here that Dr. Sunder's presentation on "Value Systems at WIPRO" did not manage to overshadow the other participants of the competition. It was rather interesting to see how others managed to portray their success in the light of the fast changing business environment.

Out of the 6 alumni who presented their success stories, it was a pleasure to see the work put in by one of the youngest members of the team in the field of Marketing. Ms. Simeron Bhasin works as Marketing Manager at Titan for the product, 'Fast track'.


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Contributed by -
Abhishek Sinha,
T. A. Pai Management Institute,
Manipal, Karnataka.

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