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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal

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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal
Post-event Press-release


October 01, 2006: Homecoming 2006

What happened to your roommate after he left college? Did he really manage to start a company of his own or not? Did he manage to marry the girl he liked or not? More importantly, is he married to the same girl right now or not?

If there were a few blank faces to such questions all this while, then it was obvious that a few of the alumni who came for the reunion did not meet their roommates. The rest just were too nostalgic to relive the entire experience.

TAPMI Annual Alumni Reunion, named Homecoming 2006, was held on 30th September and 1st October 2006. With the confluence of over 100 alumni on these two days, it was heartening to see some industry participants feel nostalgic about their alma mater after years of separation from the institution. These alumni ranged from people who had made it big in the industry (some of whom who participated at Tattva 2006) and those who had just had a taste of the real world and were back! It was a pleasure to see an Entrepreneur from the Batch of 1996, Mr. Vipin Sethi, as one of the oldest members of the alumni team, which had assembled at college. He currently operates his own firm in the field of garment exports from South India.

30th September saw them more in a sober and relaxed mood when they got together for photographs, for small interactions with the fora and committees, for sharing experiences with the teachers and finally, share their experiences as a part of the audience during Industry Interface interactions. The day ended with a bonfire arranged on campus at night - with old memories of college floating all around with songs and dance to complement them!

1st October got them on the better side of things. Informal games by committees rejuvenated them up. The grand finale was a bash for everyone on campus where the feeling of having been a part of the same family gripped everyone's hearts.

Reunions are always sentimental moments for everyone. What matters is - instead of asking the question - did the institute add any value to me - one should ask - did I add any value to the institution?


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Contributed by -
Abhishek Sinha,
T. A. Pai Management Institute,
Manipal, Karnataka.

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