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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal

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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal
Post-event Press-release


Global business was identified as organizations, which would be solely driven by Innovation in the decades to come. Such organizations, as a part of the knowledge economy, would be run by managers, who would enjoy autonomy in every phase of their life.
Skill sets like social and cultural adaptability, a drive towards constant grilling of Corporate Ethics and a penchant for passionate work emerged as some of the key insights into a profile of an ideal global manager. EQ or Emotional Intelligence also found a mention in the discussion. One of the biggest challenges still remained as to how an institution of education should be able to mould itself to churn managers of this sort!

A few key solutions were surprisingly provided by the practitioners from the industry. For the individual, the challenge should be not to follow extremism of any sort. There should be zeal to learn from fields other than business! For the institution, the challenge should be to upgrade its course in relevance to the market.

The case in point was the weightage for a course in Retail Management in an Indian Economy, where the future of the industry is towards retail. Also, innovation and technology should be given more emphasis on during the course of study, i.e., the application and development of these two factors in making business more viable should be an area of focus. Lastly, for the industry, the industry realizes the need to collaborate more with the business schools to gain out of its intellectual capital. This can be done through constant research programs and also through extended summer projects.

These key highlights from the confluence helped the institute learn a lot from the expectations of the industry from the institute. An informal chat-session with the practitioners also helped one gain insight into their personal experiences of failures and opinions on a particular topic. A formal presentation was given by the student representatives in front of the industry people and the students, making them aware of the challenges that the institute intends to take on in the coming year.

Industry Interface Day 2006 will prove to be a remarkable event in the current academic year. TAPMI chooses to make the best use of the outcome of the discussion and apply the same in the education process. What will follow in the institution from now on might be one of the most interesting things to see as far as adaptability is concerned!


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Contributed by -
Abhishek Sinha,
T. A. Pai Management Institute,
Manipal, Karnataka.

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