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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal

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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal
Post-event Press-release


All of us, time and again would have heard about the constant flux that any business survives in. We would have heard about the innumerable success stories. No one can forgot the famous management gurus! However, TAPMI manages to bring one closer to reality by putting them face-to-face with the people who make such stories.

Industry Interface Day, although only a recent addition to the institute's way of learning from the industry, brings together some of the best minds of the industry on a common platform for discussion. It is always a difficult proposition to understand in this scenario as to who is adding value to whom, but such a level of modesty exists in every one of the participants!

This year, the Industry Interface Day was the interaction between 16 practitioners from the industry. The discussion was not a panel discussion of normal sorts. The main theme was divided into three sub-themes: -

  • The Business of Global Business as understood by Practitioners

  • Changing Profile of Managers in the Arena of Global Business

  • Role and Responsibilities of B-school and Industry

Within the purview of three sub-themes, the institute wanted to address all the issues related to global business scenario, and also, by providing such a concrete structure for discussion, wanted to arrive at a concrete roadmap for action for itself.

The practitioners from the industry were divided into three panels and a faculty anchor was present to facilitate the discussion. Before the main panel met in the evening, a student panel also discussed the same topic in the afternoon, noting down key areas of concern under each sub-theme heading. This allowed the students to firstly, voice their perspectives, and secondly, understand the nuances of such a scenario. The team lead from each student panel (comprising of both first and second year students) then participated in the main panel discussion.

Great insights were generated on the topic under discussion. With the realisation that there is constant increase in the gap between the rate at which we know and the rate at which we don't know a lot of things in the market, one moved on to discuss the challenges that arise from a global business. Terms like 'Death of Distance' and '3 Is - Industry, Institution & Individual' floated in the discussion.


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Contributed by -
Abhishek Sinha,
T. A. Pai Management Institute,
Manipal, Karnataka.

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