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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal

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3-Phased Mega Event Held at TAPMI, Manipal
Post-event Press-release


September 30, 2006: Industry Interface Day

Mr. Arun Prabhu from Intouch Analytics was another high profile participant at Tattva who has made an enormous contribution to develop and manages customer analytics initiatives for various client organizations.

The final participant was Mr. P. Viswanath, currently working as a Manager with Irevna Research Services. Mr Viswanath while working as a consultant for a consulting company did a major turnaround for foreign client in the Middle East. His presentation gave an impetus to a lot of students who are thinking of choosing consulting as a career option.

Tattva 2006 was a revelation for the students. Key insights from practice played a role in making the students understand the complexities of business. With a mentor figure like Dr. Sunder amongst the crowd, one could also see the academia around proving time and again that theory and practice do go hand-in-hand!

"Getting the MBAs Business-ready Globally: Road Map for Action"

A bright Saturday saw the coming together of some of the practitioners from the industry and a panel of students on a discussion over the above theme.

A global business scenario is one of the fastest challenges that an organisation is being forced to face in today's world. Things are changing so fast in the Indian context that there might not be enough time to think about what went wrong and where. Hence, TAPMI realizes the need to enhance its curriculum and implement related issues, with respect to the fast changing profile of the Global Manager.

As rightly put by Peter Drucker, the Knowledge Economy is one of the biggest challenges for both the worker and the firm. With the world of uncertainties increasing with every passing purchase decision made, there is a need for the manager to understand the skill set that he needs to acquire to emerge as a global winner. This skill set is acquired by an aspiring manager in business schools, and thus, the onus lies on the school to update itself from time to time.


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Contributed by -
Abhishek Sinha,
T. A. Pai Management Institute,
Manipal, Karnataka.

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