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XIM, Bhubaneswar Organises M&A Conclave

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XIM, Bhubaneswar Organises M&A Conclave


The panelist agreed to this fact that organizations are trapped in the merger & acquisition syndrome for growth. They pointed out that it does not matter to them whether it is organic growth or inorganic growth. "There can't be a set formula for M&A deals. No game plan can be fixed for this. It does not happen that way, when the opportunity strikes you have to grab with both hands," explained Mr. Angara.

They also discussed how the organizations are going back and moving forward in the value chain to stay ahead in the race. "Nothing comes from the text book in case of M&A as lots of things come from the visionary industry leaders. It is the stock market, which rules today. But for succeeding in the organization, you have to have strong fundamentals and strong growth presence in your home turf," said Tamal Dasgupta, Senior Vice-President of Wipro.

Further elaborating about this, Mr. Dasgupta said, "For M&A deals and managing expectations of the investors, it is important for organizations to grow, grow and grow. It is all about keep growing. Top-line, bottom-line and growth rate is very significant for companies in a developing country which offers great potential to growth."

Rajeev Dubey (Deputy Editor, BusinessWorld) & Krishna Angara (Director-Operations, Vodafone) in Discussion

As the scenario on M&A front is changing at very fast pace in the last few years as the companies are flush with funds due to strengthening rupees and faster growth rate coupled with rising deposit for the banks, which has provided opportunities for the Indian companies to go and acquire abroad.


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Team IlluminatiX,
PR & Media Cell,
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

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