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XIM, Bhubaneswar Organises M&A Conclave

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XIM, Bhubaneswar Organises M&A Conclave


There are several challenges associated with this M&A and dilution of the bottomline is one of them. "It's not only about the acquiring global company but it is also about the acquiring global brands and talents. There are great risks associated with M&A as it has to be evaluated by the finance department as it affects both topline and bottomline for the merged or acquired entity," said Mr. Dasgupta.

The panelist agreed to this fact that the growth plan is not the only concern, rather faster growth plan is becoming more challenging task. "If you have not charted out your growth plan, then you enter into a plateau zone and thereafter decline starts. It is also necessary because we don't know the industry which we represent will exist or be relevant anymore after 100-200 years. Technology is changing very fast and the things which surround us will become redundant in due course of time," said Mr. Angara of Vodafone.

However, Mr. Dasgupta of Wipro took different stance, "An organization is not for today or tomorrow. A listed organization has several responsibilities to deliver, but to do this, the organization has to have long term planning." He substantiated his statement by citing examples of Kodak as how an inventor of digital camera has been outdone by the competitors in the same business, which was a formidable organization about a decade ago.

Tamal Dasgupta (Vice-President, Wipro) Speaking at M&A Conclave

"Sun is not going to shine over you forever, the cloudy weather and storms are bound to come. Anything which has gone up has to come down, but the important thing here is there should be no excuses why can't I make money in an industry where everybody makes money," said Mr. Angara while reply to the student's queries of its necessity in the current context.


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Team IlluminatiX,
PR & Media Cell,
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

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