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XIM, Bhubaneswar Organises M&A Conclave

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XIM, Bhubaneswar Organises M&A Conclave


The panelist also agreed to this fact that the recent spurt in merger and acquisition deals are also attributed to some innovative Indian entrepreneurs who have acquired some organizations and have grown tremendously in the recent past.

Fr. Abraham (Director, XIMB) Introducing the Topic of Discussion

Both speakers dismissed the over-valuation issues being a cause of concern for the acquiring companies by citing examples of Vodafone who sold 10% stake with no management control in Bharti to two-third stake and management control of Hutchinson-Essar. The panelists were of the opinion that the price rationalization is difficult in the market because of high competition and fewer choices for the organization who are scouting to acquire others.


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Contributed by -
Team IlluminatiX,
PR & Media Cell,
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

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