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Opportunity for India’s Best Brains to Meet Indra Nooyi, Chairman & CEO, PepsiCo

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Opportunity for India’s Best Brains to Meet Indra Nooyi, Chairman & CEO, PepsiCo
Case Study Competition: "Taste the Success - Become Indra’s Advisors"
Registration & Submission of Reports: January 15-31, 2008


The business strategies submitted by the management students will be evaluated in two phases. The initial selection will be done by Dr. Amit Kapoor, Honorary Chairman Institute for Competitiveness India, Chief Economist and former Head for Datamonitor's
Economic Research Practice and Ms. Geetu Verma, Executive Director, Innovation and Business Development, PepsiCo India. They will select the 6 best business strategies submitted by the students. The second round which is the final selection round will be conducted by an esteemed jury of 4 members comprising of Mr. Sanjeev Chadha, CEO, PepsiCo India, Mr. Saurabh Srivastava, Founder, Indian Angel Network & Founder Member, TIE, Mr. J. K. Mitra, Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, and Mr. Vinod Rao, CFO, PepsiCo India.

About the Case Study

PepsiCo has built over the last 2 decades, a strong presence in the carbonated soft drink and juice/juice drink category in India. PepsiCo has a wide range of 'fun for you', 'good for you' and 'better for you' products - a portfolio of balance and choices. PepsiCo with the help of its new R&D center at Gurgaon is planning to further introduce healthier drinks along with new flavour ideas.

However, despite a booming economy, young consumers and growing levels of disposable income, the per capita consumption of branded beverages remains very low in India compared to both emerging markets and the developed world.

Key Questions

  • What are the barriers to unlocking beverage per capita growth in India? What are the 3 top things required to unplug the beverage potential of India shining?

  • Which categories should PepsiCo enter? Is PepsiCo strategy of balanced portfolio the one that it should continue to follow?

    Evaluation Process

    All full-time MBA students in these B-schools will be eligible to participate in the contest. The process: -

  • The management students to form a team of maximum 3 members.

  • Prepare the business strategy after reading the case proposed by PepsiCo. Register and upload it onto the website:

  • Selection panelists including Dr. (Prof.) Amit Kapoor (Honorary Chairman Institute for Competitiveness India, Chief Economist and former Head for Datamonitor's Economic Research Practice) & Ms. Geetu Verma (Executive Director, Innovation and Business Development, PepsiCo India) will then go through the entries and shortlist top 6 entries.


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