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US Consul General Addresses Students at IIM Indore

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US Consul General Addresses Students at IIM Indore

All the members of the IIM Indore community, including Mr. Prashar, IIM Indore's Director, were a happy audience to an enriching and interesting talk by Mr. Michael S. Owen, Consul General of the US, Consulate General in Mumbai.

Mr. Michael S. Owen, Consul General of the US, at IIM Indore

He was in the city as a part of his rendition on a mandate to actively look for and materialize the opportunities which present themselves to fundamentally strengthen the relationship between the two nations by making their mutual interaction and understanding more broad-based. As a step in the same direction, his major business of the trip was to inaugurate "America Days" - a three-day event high-lighting US culture, traditions, politics, and education, at the Devi Ahilya University Auditorium in Indore.

The purview of the address was "India and the US in the New World Order". As Mr. Owen began, one by one, he highlighted all the active and broad-ranged set of areas on which India and the US are currently cooperating. Shared interest, of both the countries, in the furtherance of a democratic way of life for people all over the world was a prominently emphasized aspect of the ideas and understandings expressed by him. Familiar themes like Information Technology, Defense Equipments and Technology, Tourism, International Diplomatic Relations, Private Education, Economics, Cultural Contacts, etc., all found their way into the talk accompanied by an impressive account of activities currently undertaken on each of these fronts. But the essence of his ideas and vision was a marked endorsement of closer people-to-people contact as a primary driver of relationship into the future along with re-invigoration of the already well-established economic ties between the two largest democracies in the world.


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Contributed by -
Gaurav Gupta,
Member, Media & PR Committee,
PGP 1,
IIM Indore.

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