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US Consul General Addresses Students at IIM Indore

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US Consul General Addresses Students at IIM Indore


He spoke of the contribution which the Indian ex-patriates in the US have made to the society there, and how this trend, to everybody's wish, is getting stronger by the day. He also spoke of the initiatives taken up by the US consulate in assisting and encouraging
positive social change in India as a part of the now irreversible process of constant improvement and growth of the relations between the nations. He remarked how at this juncture, with the advent of the information age, India and US have understood each other much better than they previously managed to, how the people of US have much better exposure to life, perspective and all things Indian.

He also conveyed his expectation from the students amongst the audience to contribute in closer ties between the two nations, which can collectively work to secure a better life for themselves and indeed for the humanity as well. The speaker was also upbeat about the increasing number of students from India opting to study in the US, where Indians now are the largest group of foreign students.

Amongst the many basic characteristics common to the two nations, Mr. Owen expressed his belief that shared ideals like the sanctity of education, a drive to excel, respect for diversity, belief in the larger good for all, should form a robust and strong basis for the progress of the two countries into the future, which must see them with a common resolve to rid humanity of troubles like terrorism, poverty, illiteracy and extremist attitudes. After a small but eventful account of his personal experiences in India, of his everyday life in Mumbai, and his work plans for the future, he left the house open for questions.

Many students raised insightful questions, which always inspired a sincere and mature answer from Mr. Owen. As a memorable instance, in reply to the question regarding policy options for the US in the wake of a fast rising China, and a perceptible loss of US pre-eminence in the emerging world order, the Consul General affirmed US commitment to a free and fair world trade order, adding further that a many engines for the world economy instead of just one or two is a favorable state of events. He confirmed the supportive stance of the US on helping the developing countries in their attempt to raise the living standards of their citizens.

In response to another question over the basic differences in the nature of diversity that both the US and India exhibit, Mr. Owen pointed out the linguistic diversity in India and ethnic diversity of the US, also not skipping the mention of encouraging and embracing diversity as a major pillar of the shared vision India and US have for the world as they both enter an era of unprecedented opportunities for the world to be connected and close knit.

As the evening drew to a close, the Consul General once again re-affirmed the belief in the common vision of India and US, and invoked an inspiration in all present to contribute at their personal level as well as an institution to the furtherance of the mutually beneficial relations between India and the US, and transform the basis of it to an evolved mutual understanding of values and attitudes upheld by the society and people of the two countries. The talk was followed by high tea.


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Contributed by -
Gaurav Gupta,
Member, Media & PR Committee,
PGP 1,
IIM Indore.

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