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IIM Kozhikode Holds Tenth Annual Convocation, Awards PG Diploma to 176 Students

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IIM Kozhikode Holds Tenth Annual Convocation, Awards PG Diploma to 176 Students

The Tenth Annual Convocation of IIM Kozhikode was held on Saturday, March 22nd, 2008. After two years of hectic and grueling academic schedule, 176 members of the Class of 2008 were awarded the Post Graduate Diploma in Management by Dr. A. C. Muthaiah,
Chairman, Board of Governors, IIM Kozhikode. Dr. C. K. Prahalad, world-renowned Professor in Strategy and the man behind the "Bottom-of-the-Pyramid" concept, was the Chief Guest and delivered the Convocation Address.

Speaking on this occasion, the Chairman said that IIM Kozhikode has made remarkable progress and with the tenth batch passing out with excellent placements, the future looks great for the institute. He lauded the faculty and staff for their excellent contribution towards the institute's growth.

The Director, Prof. Krishna Kumar, highlighted the achievements of IIM Kozhikode. He remarked that the International Distance Learning Programme, pioneered by IIM Kozhikode has been a resounding success and the institute would increase the scope of the programme further. He added, "We are the fastest growing IIM in the country. We have achieved the target of INR 50 Crore in revenues set by the central government in just three years."

Graduating Class of 2008 of IIM Kozhikode at Tenth Annual Convocation

The key note address was delivered by the distinguished Chief Guest, Dr. C. K. Prahalad. A management guru par excellence, Dr. Prahalad congratulated the PGP students and appreciated the efforts put in by parents and professors in moulding the students. "India's current financial success may hide its true potential," remarked Dr. Prahalad. He stressed that it is time for India to accelerate its growth by reducing costs and improving the quality. He emphasized that the biggest worry for the country is the growing income inequality due to rapid economic growth. Unless India embraces new ways of thinking, it cannot achieve its growth potential.


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Media Cell,
IIM Kozhikode.

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