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IIM Kozhikode Holds Tenth Annual Convocation, Awards PG Diploma to 176 Students

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IIM Kozhikode Holds Tenth Annual Convocation, Awards PG Diploma to 176 Students


Dr. Prahalad concluded his address by advising the students to tread the path of innovation and entrepreneurship with morality and honesty, and transform their ideas into action.

IIM-K's MBA Students Rejoicing after receiving their PG Diplomas

Earlier in the day, Prof. Prahalad mesmerized the students of IIM-K during a brief interaction. A plethora of general topics were discussed. Speaking on corruption, he went on to say that if there was anything that will bring the nation down, it will be corruption. And as managers, the onus will be on the students to take a tough stance on corruption.

Answering to a query on entrepreneurship, he noted that no one is ever ready for entrepreneurship. Alikening it to a form of self-expression, he added that entrepreneurship is always lonely and, hence, self-commitment is very critical to every entrepreneur. Complimenting the dabbawallahs on their efficiency, he observed that there are many other similar cases which are the epitome of efficiency but have not been researched - like the rural beedi distribution network, for instance. It is upto the students to learn the finer nuances of management from them.

As a parting remark, Dr. Prahalad said, "Create the best practise; dont worry about the best practise."


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Media Cell,
IIM Kozhikode.

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