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Mr. Shekhar Datta, Chairman, BSE Ltd., Speaks About Leadership Through Indian Values

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Mr. Shekhar Datta, Chairman, BSE Ltd., Speaks About Leadership Through Indian Values


Anybody, with even perfunctory information of ancient Indian thought and philosophy, will be familiar with the central position, that concepts of, 'Truth, Dharma and Karma', occupy therein. Consider for instance the notion of 'Truth'. Where else,
except in India, is truth equated with godliness and beauty? The expression "Satyam Shivam Sundaram" has no parallel in any other society. The quest for 'truth' leads to pursuit of knowledge, which is what success in modern, knowledge driven economy, is all about.

Pursuit of knowledge has no doubt been a laudable goal in many societies; however, nowhere has it been elevated to the status, that it enjoys in our civilization. The worship of the goddess Saraswati, reflects the enormous value we attach to acquisition of knowledge. (The starting of generally every academic function, with 'Saraswati Vandana' is again reflective of the very great importance we place on acquisition of knowledge.)

The exalted status that the 'Guru' enjoys in our tradition, reflects the significance that education and knowledge, have enjoyed in our society, sincetimes immemorial. The word 'Guru' has no equivalent in any other language, which is why it has been incorporated in every major language of the world. 'Knowledge' finds a morally righteous dimension, which is imparted by a Guru. The 'Gurukul Parampara', the notion of 'Guru Dakshina', all reflect the revered place of the 'Guru' in the knowledge acquisition process. The 'Gurukul Parampara', the tradition of students staying with the Guru, to acquire knowledge, predates the modern hostel, by several centuries.

Clearly, pursuit of knowledge, the quest for truth, reflects an enquiring mind. Our tendency to argue and debate can be traced back to our old tradition. Diversity of views is something which has always been a part of our culture and folklore. So an 'open' mind, an 'enquiring' mind, an essential pre-requisite for acquiring knowledge, has always been a part of our culture.

Indeed, it is this liberal attitude to knowledge, that has fostered in us, an ability to absorb the best from alien cultures, and assimilate it, in our value systems. The advent of modern education, largely through the efforts of Christian missionaries in the erstwhile Bengal Presidency is an excellent example. I had my early education in a Christian Missionary Boarding School in Shillong - now in Meghalaya. Humanitarian liberalism, with its emphasis on equality, liberty and fraternity, found ready acceptance. Example: Raja Rammohun Roy, Mahesh Chandra Ghose, Lal Behari Dey, and later, Michael Madhusudan Dutt, all were greatly influenced by Christian ethics.

Related to the notion of 'truth', in Indian thought, is the idea of 'Dharma', which is best defined as a moral obligation to do the right thing. What it does, is to provide an ethical compass, for leading our lives.

Also, it recognizes the diversity of roles, that an individual is required to perform in the course of his life. Notice how close this is to the modern concept of "corporate social responsibility". While earning profits is the main focus of any business, its 'Dharma' requires that the profits should be earned in a fair manner, through means that are entirely above board.


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