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Mr. Shekhar Datta, Chairman, BSE Ltd., Speaks About Leadership Through Indian Values

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Mr. Shekhar Datta, Chairman, BSE Ltd., Speaks About Leadership Through Indian Values


Also, the disbursal of the profits too, should be done in a manner that is beneficial to the society. The idea that business gains should be used for public good, finds manifestation in construction of schools, hospitals, dharamshalas, etc., by Indian
businessmen, long before the words 'corporate governance' and 'corporate social responsibility' were coined.

Any discussion of Indian values would not be complete without mentioning the notion of 'Karma'. In its most simplistic definition, 'Karma' is duty - an obligation that one has to perform in pursuit of one's professional goals. Lord Krishna's discourse to Arjun, during the course of the Mahabharat, is an illustration of the importance of 'karma' in ancient Indian thought. It illustrates how happiness comes from right action, i.e., duty. By protecting the 'virtuous' with wise action and performance, without personal attachment, is the 'karma-yoga', which is so close to the idea of 'professionalism' in modern management.

I might add that these ideas of our ancient scriptures have found modern interpretation and reinforcement from the works of 'later day thinkers', like Swami Vivekanand and Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. While Swami Vivekanand stressed the role of knowledge in preparing us to face the world, Rabindranath Tagore presented to us a whole new way of interpreting the 'real world', wherein learning, knowledge, nature and society are inextricably interlinked. This holistic approach to 'education and knowledge', has no parallel anywhere in the world.

Rabindranath did not write a central educational treatise. His ideas must be gleaned through his various writings and educational experiments, at Santiniketan. In general, he envisioned an education that was deeply rooted in one's immediate surroundings, but connected to the cultures of the wider world, predicated upon pleasurable and personalised learning. Is it not remarkable that the Gurudev anticipated the modern day environmental concerns almost a hundred years ago?

For a society that has so much in store in knowledge, it is hardly surprising to find centers of learning flourishing at Nalanda and Takshila in ancient times. Scholars came from thousands of miles to avail of the intellectual resources available at these centers.

I think it is important for each and every one of us, to always remember, that we are products of a great civilization. As you go about making your mark in your professional careers, remember that you have an obligation to the society, that has provided you an opportunity, to excel in your chosen field of activity. As beneficiaries of the wisdom that is the result of this great tradition, we owe a debt of gratitude to the society that gave us this chance to bring out the best in ourselves. So even as you scale pinnacles of professional success, never forget your obligation to the 'less fortunate' of our countrymen.

To my mind, there are only two things that are needed to enable one to lead a fulfilling life - 'the wisdom to know the right path', and, 'the courage to follow it'. May God grant you both these abilities. My best wishes to all of you.


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