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Summer Placements at IIT Kanpur Witness Major Deviation in Profiles & Companies

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Summer Placements at IIT Kanpur Witness Major Deviation in Profiles & Companies

The Summer Placements at IIT Kanpur witnessed a major deviation from the previous years in terms of profiles and companies. Several new companies right from FMCG to construction were interested to recruit IIT-K’s talent.

Organizations such as UNIDO (a wing of UNO Delhi), RBI, BPCL, ITC, Hindalco, KPMG, SBI Bank, NCDEX, Canara Bank, Airtel, Shinsei Bank (Tokyo), SIDBI and Telcon recruited the MBA students for summer internships for the first time. The profiles varied from the regular Marketing profiles to IT-based E-Governance. Most of the students of 2009 batch preferred Marketing, followed by Finance & IT.

In all, 23 companies participated in the summer internship process of 45 students. The highest stipend offered is around Rs. 60,000 for a period of two months. Students went for profiles over stipend and other benefits. This is evident from the fact that six students rejected an offer of Rs. 30,000 variable pay per month each for the want of ‘suitable’ profile and joined other organizations. UNIDO and Shinsei Bank recruited 3 each, Canara Bank recruited 4 and BPCL recruited 5 students.

The Marketing segment profiles were covered by ITC, Hindalco, BPCL, Airtel, Canara Bank, SIDBI, Ingersoll Rand and Hero Honda. While BPCL came up with Marketing Research, SIDBI Unit has come up with a consulting based role. The Finance enthusiasts were recruited by RBI, SBI Bank, SBI Caps, NCDEX, Shinsei Bank, IL&FS, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Areva and Wipro. Some of the profiles included were: Financial Risk Modeling, Project Finance, etc.


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Contributed by -
Arpit Garg,
MBA Class of 2009,
IIT Kanpur.

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