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Future Managers from SPJIMR-Mumbai Lend Different Strokes to the Social Sector


Anoop H, Jyothsna Sekar, Shilpa Kendre and Shilpi Baral worked towards the development of a revival plan for the traditional Kullu Shawl weaving industry in Himachal Pradesh in association with My Himachal (NGO). They interacted with the weaver community,
master weavers, Self Help Groups, weaving societies, government officials from the Integrated Handloom Cluster Development Project and the District Industrial Centre, financial institutions, exporters and other NGOs. Through extensive primary research and the survey conducted on a set of 100 respondents, the students identified poor market accessibility, threat from power looms, low consumer awareness levels, lack of adequate training facilities, ineffective implementation of the Handloom Mark and the Geographical Indicator, and unorganized work culture, as the major bottle-necks. They proposed a four-pronged plan of tapping foreign markets, roping in private players, bringing about a holistic skills development through professional training institutes and increasing consumer awareness levels in order to revive the seemingly sunset industry. The students got an opportunity to present their plan to the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, the Principal Secretary to the State, and Deputy Commissioner (Kullu) through the NGO. They modelled a plan that could be implemented with the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC) and submitted the same to the CEO and Secretary Tourism (Himachal Pradesh). The students initiated an awareness campaign - 'Save the Weaver' - and reached an audience of 10 lakhs through the print media and million others through the electronic media. They were effective in addressing this issue by showing it the light of day in the valley.

Administering the Formation of a Self Help Group in Himachal Pradesh by SPJIMR Participants


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Contributed by -
Rahul Ramchandani,
PGDM 2007-09 (Marketing),
Public Relations Committee,
S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai.

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