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IIM Calcutta Graduate Launches His Own Venture, 'Lifeinlines'

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IIM Calcutta Graduate Launches His Own Venture, 'Lifeinlines'

Ankur Gattani, the IIT Bombay, IIM Calcutta graduate, who opted out of his campus placements to start his own venture, launched his start-up,, in beta at IIT Bombay yesterday. With another IIT-B graduate, Maninder, on his team now, the two
ex-members of the students' entrepreneurship cell on the campus, got their faculty advisor to launch the site by a voice call recorded and played on their site.

Just four months after his convocation from IIM Calcutta, where he opted out of the placement process, Ankur has put together a team with Maninder Gulati, a senior from IIT Bombay who quit his job at ITC, to join, also Nirjhareswar Bannerjee and Nilesh Pancholi, both accomplished technology people rather senior to him, but willing to bet on the shared dream. Lifeinlines has gone through multiple reviews and been commended by international forums for its warmth and emotional touch, and now has a set of users that have formed an intimate relationship with the site.

How Works

Excited to see a start-up launch on the campus, Prof. U. B. Desai of IIT Bombay, launched the site with a voice post to LiL. "It's great to see that these guys chose to launch their start-up amidst students of IIT, and I wish them all the very best to become a giant in the internet space."

Explaining in detail about Lifeinlines, Ankur says, "It's about capturing moments, thoughts and experiences from your everyday life, anytime, anywhere, using any media available."


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Contributed by -
Ankur Gattani,
Alumni, IIM Calcutta, Class of 2008,
Founder & Director,
Onelife Knowledge Services Pvt. Ltd.

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