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IIM Calcutta Graduate Launches His Own Venture, 'Lifeinlines'

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IIM Calcutta Graduate Launches His Own Venture, 'Lifeinlines'


Isn't it more like a social network? Maninder Gulati, the new Director, explains, "Despite all the facilities on emails, messengers and mobiles, amidst fast and busy lives, staying in close touch with people you care for is still rather difficult.
Typical exchanges on current social networks are rather superficial or occasional in nature. In that sense,, as a moment by moment chronicle of your life, becomes a simple and powerful way to stay in intimate touch with people you care for."

And how does it work? "Your moments can be captured rather easily on Lifeinlines - sending an SMS / MMS, making a phone call to record your voice, sending a message or updating your status on Gtalk, sending in an e-mail or writing in directly on the website," Ankur expalains.

Each post is inclusive of words, images, voices and videos; can be stored privately, or shared with selected people across six layers of privacy.

Confident that the concept is the first of its kind in India and a unique one even internationally, Ankur says on the current state, "It's now time to spread the word and reach out to the audience in India and abroad, and we're looking at forging some relationships that might be helpful towards that."

About his source of guidance, he says that "Mr. Ajit Balakrishnan, the CEO of, and the Chairman of the Board of Governors at IIM Calcutta, has been an informal mentor and kind enough to offer advice and references frequently."

The team promises a host of innovative features to enhance offline interactions, including an integrated gifting platform, so your friends can cheer you up with a box of chocolates if your LiL account says you're feeling low. "There's a lot more on the cards, if only bandwidth and 3G would allow us. Expect frequent surprises by our ongoing moves," Nirjhareswar, the technical partner, quips.

Continuing in the same spirit, Ankur added, "It's an amazing feeling when people fall in love with something you've created. And my biggest achievement still remains getting my team together that's Maninder, Nirjhareswar and Nilesh who've shared the LiL dream and shown faith in it!"


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Contributed by -
Ankur Gattani,
Alumni, IIM Calcutta, Class of 2008,
Founder & Director,
Onelife Knowledge Services Pvt. Ltd.

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