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CEO of HUL Inducts Batch of 2010 at JBIMS-Mumbai

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CEO of HUL Inducts Batch of 2010 at JBIMS-Mumbai


His message was simple, yet vital, for today's generation. He stressed on the fact that hard work and intellect only form the necessary but not the sufficient criteria to succeed. Softer aspects like emotional intelligence actually prove to be key
differentiators when dealing with real life scenarios, especially in this age of globalization.

He also spelled out the three Cs of success - courage, conviction and character; the courage to risk failure for what one believes in, the conviction of knowledge, and the character to take the right decisions in face of adversity. He sighted various instances where the character of managers and managements alike had been compromised for want of personal gains. He contrasted this with lives of individuals who had stood their ground and changed entire systems with only courage, conviction, and a clean heart as their back-bone. He assured the youth that 'doing well and doing good' is not a paradox and urged them to build a strong moral fabric, if they are to succeed in life.

By way of true life anecdotes and arguments, Mr. Paranjpe inspired the young audience to sustain their energy and enthusiasm even when they enter the industry and not trade in idealism for convenient pragmatism. He concluded with a fresh take on work-life balance, recommending that one's career or work should be chosen so that it is an integral part of one's long term goals for life.

Later, Mr. Paranjpe answered a few queries posed by the students. He emphasized the need and significance of set-backs and debacles in one's life, and how they go a long way in making a person stronger and more gracious. In an answer to another question on his favorite aspects of JBIMS, he replied by saying that JBIMS gives an exceptional interface to industry, helps students gather varied perspectives through interactions, and creates motivated yet grounded managers.

Needless to say, these valuable words of wisdom coming from an illustrious alumnus met with a resounding ovation. The evening was, undoubtedly, the most remarkable start to an extraordinary journey that the JBIMS MMS Batch 2010 has embarked on!


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* Contributed by -
Vishal Desai,
The Corporate Relations Committee,
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), Mumbai.

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