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MDI Gurgaon Organizes the Corporate Summit, "Bizknosis 2008"

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MDI Gurgaon Organizes the Corporate Summit, "Bizknosis 2008"

As part of "Bizknosis - Confluence of Thoughts", the students of MDI had the privilege to interact not only with a wide variety of distinguished personalities from various industries, but also heard from a serial entrepreneur about the zeal with which
a new venture is nurtured and taken forward to achieve success.

The corporate summit was conducted on 22nd of August by the Corporate Relations Committee of Executive Post Graduate Program in Management (formerly known as National Management Program, NMP), under the aegis of MDI as part of its endeavor to bring about regular interactions with industry stalwarts during the 15-month program. The 21st batch of EPGPM, comprising of participants with at least 5 years of managerial experience at who's who of Indian industry has already interacted with senior level management of Airtel, Aditya Birla Retail, Colt Technologies, and Alstom India Ltd., since April.

The distinguished speakers during the summit were Mr. Gopala Krishnan, Ex-CEO, Mobile2win, Mr. Shouvik Majumdar, Head - Technology Services, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Ms. Mukta Arora, VP, Global Sourcing, Eli Lilly & Company, and Mr. Pankaj Ailawadi, Sr. Executive - HR, Unitech Ltd.

Mr. Gopala Krishnan, Ex-CEO, Mobile2win, Giving Lecture on "International Entrepreneurship: Opportunities & Challenges" at MDI

The summit started with Mr. Shouvik Majumdar deliberating on "Managing Cultural Diversity in Times of Change". He stressed on the importance of the topic in the current scenario of large numbers of mergers and acquisitions made necessary due to global competition. Citing his own company's recent acquisitions of Natwest Bank and Charter One, he pointed out instances of cultures becoming a barrier to achieve the goals of his organization.


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Contributed by -
Corporate Communications Cell,
Management Development Institute, Gurgaon.

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