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MDI Gurgaon Organizes the Corporate Summit, "Bizknosis 2008"

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MDI Gurgaon Organizes the Corporate Summit, "Bizknosis 2008"


To emphasize on the importance of keeping the commitments the corporations made to their customers at any cost, the speaker listed down 9 principles his own company follows - employee welfare, attitudinal orientation, innovative & creative thought leadership,
elimination of communication barriers and building & sustaining superior business processes.

The second speaker, Ms. Mukta Arora, started her interaction on "Empower Your Managerial Expedition" by pointing out at the increasing complexity of today's organizations from vertically integrated to a globally encompassed networks. The strategic shift of "playing bigger than the size by leveraging networks" also needs shift in managerial task masters with higher flexibility, adaptability, cross-functional and cross-cultural risk assessment capabilities. The other aspects which need consideration to build successful networks are the understanding of regulatory, resource and infrastructure spreads, varieties in culture and strategy as well as laws protecting intellectual properties. She also pointed out the importance of broader business understanding besides functional skills to play a vital role as the node in the network.

As a fitting finale to the summit, the congregation also had an opportunity to listen to Mr. Gopalakrishnan, a serial entrepreneur of 4 start-ups including his last venture, Mobile2win. As part of his talk on "International Entrepreneurship: Opportunities & Challenges", he shared his valuable experience in the aspects of setting up, raising funds for and exiting businesses. According to him, the important steps no entrepreneur should skip in setting up the business are defining milestones & grand vision, and interacting with domain specialists to determine the nuances. Quoting his experience of setting up Mobile2win in China, he stressed the need to delve into cultural aspects in addition to the above issues. He shed light on "learning the hard way" the issues involved, the people and their values and dilution of control during fund raising for such ventures. The third aspect he dealt with related to entrepreneurship was putting together a leadership team, handling day-to-day operations and ethics. The speaker also humorously explained the cultural differences he faced across the suitors prior to his exit from Mobile2win to nail the point with astonishing precision.

The high profile interaction encompassing areas of managing cultural diversity, managerial skills in a networked world and international entrepreneurship has given a fillip to the participants to concentrate their time at MDI towards achieving competencies essential for success in the complex world.


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Contributed by -
Corporate Communications Cell,
Management Development Institute, Gurgaon.

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