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IIM Lucknow Organizes MDP on Leadership for Directors of ICAR Institutes

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IIM Lucknow Organizes MDP on Leadership for Directors of ICAR Institutes

IIM Lucknow recently concluded a Management Development Programme on Leadership for Innovations in Agriculture for the Directors of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Institutes during September 1-5, 2008 at its Lucknow
Campus. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Panjab Singh, Ex Vice Chancellor, BHU, and renowned Agriculture Specialist.

The programme was aimed at developing requisite leadership and managerial skills among participants so that they can successfully work in an inter-disciplinary team and foster innovative partnerships for complementary interventions. The programme was attended by 12 Directors and Senior Scientists of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Institutes.

A total of 16 sessions on different aspects of managerial and leadership were organized by the experts with diverse background and experience. In order to impart practical based learning, group projects on different issues related to managerial and leadership skills were also done by the participants.

Agriculture sector in India is witnessing an unprecedented paradigmatic shift. Increasingly, the emphasis is shifting from producer-driven to market-led agricultural development. The National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in India needs to respond to the twin challenges of facilitating the transition from producer-driven to market-led agricultural development, and of ensuring sustainability of livelihoods, particularly of the rural poor in the disadvantaged regions.

Accordingly, the ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) is implementing the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) with the explicit objective to give NARS an innovation perspective by transforming it to a pluralistic National Agricultural Innovation System (NAIS). In the NAIS, public, private and civil society organizations are expected to be involved together in well-defined partnerships to pilot accelerated and sustainable transformations of Indian agricultural to meet national goals.

Institutional Learning and Capacity Building (L&CB) are central to achieving this transition. Centre for Food and Agribusiness Management (CFAM) at the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow is to carry out 21 Management Development Programmes on Leadership, Public-Private Partnerships, Policy Monitoring and Evaluations, etc., for next four years. The recently held Leadership for Innovations in Agriculture at IIM Lucknow was one such Management Development Programme.


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