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IIM Lucknow Organizes MDP on Leadership for Directors of ICAR Institutes

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IIM Lucknow Organizes MDP on Leadership for Directors of ICAR Institutes


It is an acknowledged fact that Agricultural Research Management, in addition to technical skills and capabilities, involves various other facets of general management also. Senior agricultural administrators, in order to effectively manage various
research projects, not only have to be good researchers but they also need to possess good leadership and managerial skills. Importance of imparting managerial skills to agricultural scientists and administrators has been duly recognized and emphasised in the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP).

Most research projects of NAIP are to be carried out in consortia mode, which essentially means working in teams in cross-cultural and complex environment. Consortia leaders should be able to develop, build and lead the research team. The members are expected to be having wide ranging and diverse skill sets and interests. They should know how to effectively manage these interests and bring all team members to a common platform. They will be required to possess excellent motivational skills. Each consortia member will also be required to be good at negotiation and conflict resolution.


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