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Sankalp 2008 Sets the Stage for a Celebration of Theatre & Drama at MICA

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Sankalp 2008 Sets the Stage for a Celebration of Theatre & Drama at MICA

MICA's student-managed theatre society Sankalp flagged off the journey of its annual theatre festival on 31st August 2008. The evening dished out two charming and delightful short plays to raise both the curtains and the bar for Sankalp 2008.
The loyal student clientele packed the house with their enthusiasm and passion for theatre.

The event celebrated the genre of comedy by kicking off with a hilarious satire called "The Wedding Story". The play opens with a story-teller who is telling a story of a gorgeous bride and a handsome groom. Throughout the play, the couple rudely interrupts the story-teller and contradict every detail of the wedding. The story-teller lashes out and tells the real wedding story, the one no one wants to hear, taking no prisoners as he dashes the fairy-tale fantasy-wedding to shreds. Fast-paced, hilarious and yet with enough bite towards the end, the play sets the stage for an entertaining evening.

Keeping pace with the mirthfulness of the evening was the clever witty production "Sure Thing". The simple one-act play has one set, two characters, and little movement, but depended on quick dialogue and a mysterious bell. The central theme throughout the play displayed a few varieties of a possible conversation that end with a ringing bell that symbolizes a fresh start and a second chance to make a good impression. The swift conversations engaged the audience with a sharp powerful experience leaving them to enjoy a spectrum of ensuing pick-up lines.

MICA Students Performing the Play "Sure Thing" at Sankalp 2008


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Team Interface,
Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad.

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