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Sankalp 2008 Sets the Stage for a Celebration of Theatre & Drama at MICA

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Sankalp 2008 Sets the Stage for a Celebration of Theatre & Drama at MICA


The productions left the audience enthralled and catapulted their passion for theatre and drama to greater heights.

Next in Sankalp's theatrical gamut is "The End", an adaptation of Woody Allen's
"God". The play is a reflection of bizarre human life. It explores the imperfections of human life through the discovery of supposed perfection that is God, and a group of people question their own possible fictional existence. The play is scheduled to be showcased towards the end of September.

Thus, with a wide array of productions in the pipe0line, Sankalp 2008 has extended itself far beyond a tradition. Today, it embodies for a MICAn the spirit of expression, the spirit of freedom, the passion for creation, a riot of emotions, and indeed a way of life. This year onwards, Sankalp will no longer be just an annual event, but rather a theatre society which provides a platform for all MICAn theatre aficianados all year round.


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Team Interface,
Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad.

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