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Indore People Reaffirm Their Commitment to Peace by Making Indore Marathon a Resounding Success

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Indore People Reaffirm Their Commitment to Peace by Making Indore Marathon a Resounding Success
Post-event Press-release


Mr. Vijay Yadav, First Prize Winner of 10 Km Run of Indore Marathon

Tejas Bhat, one of the organisers, said the event would not have been possible without the help of 350-odd volunteers from IIM Indore, 100 NCC cadets, and also the sponsors. "We are delighted with the turn-out. The city was unanimous in taking a stand against terrorism and the level of participation and enthusiasm were heartening. We knew Indore would rise to the occasion."

And that's exactly what Indore did. Participants spoke out about the need for reaffirming the commitment to peace and expressed solidarity with the event. Said Mr. Ajay Gupta, who had turned-up for the event with both his kids, "It's really an excellent initiative and Gandhi Jayanti was a perfect occasion to let the country know that Indore has not been scarred by the communal violence which rocked our city a few months back. We need more events like this to bring the people together and make them forget differences."

The resounding shouts of 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' at the end of the event was proof enough that Indore agreed with him.


Related Links: -
+ Indore All Set to Run for Peace at Indore Marathon 2008'

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* Contributed by -
Gaurav Guptar,
Media & Public Relations Committee,
IIM Indore.

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